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Data set that contains the trees of the urban center of the municipality of Inca, the result of the Urban Tree Management Plan of the municipality approved and published on 2023/10/14. Scale 1:1,000. The reference system: ETRS89. Projection system: UTM zone 31. Storage format: SHP and Geopackage
Dataset that contains the moixo colonies in the urban center of Pollença. The cartography was extracted from the cartography generated by the City Council from the Environment area. The SD.SpeciesDistribution layer is a point layer and contains the moxo colonies and their attributes that follow the INSPIRE data model. Scale 1:2,000. The reference system: ETRS89. Projection system: UTM spindle 31. Storage format: PostgreSQL.
Dataset containing the plant species of the urban center of Inca. The cartography was taken from the Urban Tree Management Plan of the municipality of Inca, approved on October 14, 2023. The SD.SpeciesDistribution layer is a point layer and contains the trees and their attributes that follow the INSPIRE data model. Scale 1:2,000. The reference system: ETRS89. Projection system: UTM spindle 31. Storage format: PostgreSQL.