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    Data set containing the addresses of the urban center of Algaida and a few kilometers from the rustic area of the municipality. Cartography was extracted from the Cartociudad project of 2012, a state project that collects all spatial information related to directions and roads. The AD.Addresses layer is a layer of points and contains the addresses or portal numbers and various attributes that follow the Cartociudad data model and INSPIRE. Scale 1: 2,000. The reference system: ETRS89. Projection system: UTM fus 31. Storage format: PostgreSQL.

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    Data set containing elements and areas protected by municipal legislation. The protection is provided by the Subsidiary Regulations of the municipality of Algaida in 2003. The Protected layer. Sites recognize all protected elements (deposits, mills, possessions, natural areas, etc.). We also find several layers according to the type of Designation, Scheme of Designation and Protection Classification. Urban elements are digitized at 1: 1,000 scale and rustic elements, at 1: 5,000 scale. The reference system: ETRS89. Projection system: UTM fus 31. Storage format: PostgreSQL.

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    Cartography of the network of roads, roads and streets of the municipality of Algaida. It refers to the topic Transportation Networks in Annex I of the INSPIRE Directive. Mapping generated in 2016. The sources are the Catalog of roads of 1998, prepared by the Consell de Mallorca in DGN format, and the streets of the Cadastre. Scale 1: 2,000 the streets and scale 1: 5,000 the roads and roads. Reference system: ETRS89. Projection system: UTM fus 31. Storage format: PostgreSQL.

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    Data set containing the management areas of the municipality of Algaida. The cartography was taken from the Algaida Subsidiary Standards of 2005. The ForestManagementArea layer is a polygon layer and contains managed, restricted, or regulated forest areas that follow the INSPIRE data model. Scale 1: 5,000. The reference system: ETRS89. Projection system: UTM zone 31. Storage format: PostgreSQL.

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    Cartography of the toponymy of the town of Algaida. The names refer to the topics of the INSPIRE Directive Protected Places and Transport of Annex I of the INSPIRE Directive and Land Use of Annex III. Cartography generated in 2015. The sources are the Algaida Subsidiary Rules of 2005 for the names of Protected Sites and Land Use; and the CartoCiudad project, version 2012, for the names of Transports. The names of the urban elements are on a scale of 1: 2,000 and the names of the elements of rustic, on a scale of 1: 5,000. Reference system: ETRS89. Projection system: UTM fus 31. Storage format: PostgreSQL.

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    Data set that contains types of qualifications of rustic land in the town of Algaida. Scale 1: 5,000. The reference system: ETRS89. Projection system: UTM spindle 31. Storage format: DGN i SHP.

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    Data set of the subject Using the soil of INSPIRE, generated from the cartography of the Subsidiary Standards of Algaida, approved in 2005. It consists of three layers: Spatial plan, Zoning elements and Supplementary regulation. The data model and the symbology of the data set follow the specifications of the theme of Annex III of the European Directive INSPIRE, Land use, specifically of the scheme Planned land use. Urban elements are digitized at 1: 2,000 scale and rustic elements, at 1: 5,000 scale. The reference system: ETRS89. Projection system: UTM fus 31. Storage format: PostgreSQL.

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    Data set that contains types of qualifications of urban land in the town of Algaida. Scale 1: 2,000. The reference system: ETRS89. Projection system: UTM spindle 31. Storage format: DGN i SHP.

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    Data set containing buildings on rural and urban land in the municipality of Algaida. The cartography was extracted from a layer of inventoried elements that appears in the Algaida municipal regulations of 2005. The Buildings layer is a polygon layer and contains the buildings on rural land that follow the INSPIRE data model. Scale 1: 5,000. The reference system: ETRS89. Projection system: UTM zone 31. Storage format: PostgreSQL.