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    Web map service that allows access to the cartography of the Catalog of roads in the municipality of Algaida in 2006 which includes the ownership, status and typological aspects of the roads. The symbolism associated with the layers is defined by the Algaida City Council. Access to this service is free as long as Algaida City Council appears as the owner of the data and Consell de Mallorca as the owner of the service.

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    Web map service that allows access to the cartography of the Catalog of roads in the municipality of Inca in 2018 which includes the ownership, status and typological aspects of the roads. The symbolism associated with the layers is defined by the Inca City Council. Access to this service is free as long as Inca City Council appears as the owner of the data and Consell de Mallorca as the owner of the service.

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    Web map service that allows access to the cartography of the Catalog of roads in the municipality of Alaró in 1997 which includes the ownership, status and typological aspects of the roads. The symbolism associated with the layers is defined by the Alaró City Council. Access to this service is free as long as Alaró City Council appears as the owner of the data and Consell de Mallorca as the owner of the service.

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    Cartography of the network of roads, roads and streets of the municipality of Santanyí. It refers to the topic Transportation Networks in Annex I of the INSPIRE Directive. Mapping generated in 2021. The sources are the streets and paths of the Cartociudad's project, wich are update with the staff's knowlege of the council. Scale 1: 2,000 the streets and scale 1: 5,000 the roads and roads. Reference system: ETRS89. Projection system: UTM fus 31. Storage format: PostgreSQL.

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    Cartography of the network of roads, roads and streets of the municipality of Sineu. It refers to the topic Transportation Networks in Annex I of the INSPIRE Directive. Mapping generated in 2019. The sources are the streets and paths of the Cartociudad's project, wich are update with the staff's knowlege of the council. Scale 1: 2,000 the streets and scale 1: 5,000 the roads and roads. Reference system: ETRS89. Projection system: UTM fus 31. Storage format: PostgreSQL.

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    Cartography of the network of roads, roads and streets of the municipality of Vilafranca de Bonany. It refers to the topic Transportation Networks in Annex I of the INSPIRE Directive. Mapping generated in 2022. The sources are the streets and paths of the Cartociudad's project, wich are update with the staff's knowlege of the council. Scale 1: 2,000 the streets and scale 1: 5,000 the roads and roads. Reference system: ETRS89. Projection system: UTM fus 31. Storage format: PostgreSQL.

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    Cartography of the network of roads, roads and streets of the municipality of Sa Pobla. It refers to the topic Transportation Networks in Annex I of the INSPIRE Directive. Mapping generated in 2019. The sources are the streets and paths of the Cartociudad's project, wich are update with the staff's knowlege of the council. Scale 1: 2,000 the streets and scale 1: 5,000 the roads and roads. Reference system: ETRS89. Projection system: UTM fus 31. Storage format: PostgreSQL.

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    Cartography of the network of roads, roads and streets of the municipality of Porreres. It refers to the topic Transportation Networks in Annex I of the INSPIRE Directive. Mapping generated in 2019. The sources are the streets and paths of the Cartociudad's project, wich are update with the staff's knowlege of the council. Scale 1: 2,000 the streets and scale 1: 5,000 the roads and roads. Reference system: ETRS89. Projection system: UTM fus 31. Storage format: PostgreSQL.

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    Cartography of the network of roads, roads and streets of the municipality of Mancor de la Vall. It refers to the topic Transportation Networks in Annex I of the INSPIRE Directive. Mapping generated in 2019. The sources are the streets and paths of the Cartociudad's project, wich are update with the staff's knowlege of the council. Scale 1: 2,000 the streets and scale 1: 5,000 the roads and roads. Reference system: ETRS89. Projection system: UTM fus 31. Storage format: PostgreSQL.

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    Cartography of the network of roads, roads and streets of the municipality of Esporles. It refers to the topic Transportation Networks in Annex I of the INSPIRE Directive. Mapping generated in 2019. The sources are the streets and paths of the Cartociudad's project, wich are update with the staff's knowlege of the council. Scale 1: 2,000 the streets and scale 1: 5,000 the roads and roads. Reference system: ETRS89. Projection system: UTM fus 31. Storage format: PostgreSQL.